Ruscom Map

Ruscom Map


SDL Trados Studio 2019

Updated customer list

We have updated our list of customers, but in German, not in English. You can send us your enquiry, if you are interested in some clients or the translation projects. We send to you all informaion you need.

Customer list in German only

You can see some new customers from the last months in our list on the German part of our website. Why German only? To publish a separate list is much work, we do not think, it is really nesessary. The most our customers are german and austrian companies.

Short information about customers

May me you know many of them. Such companies like Allianz, Kienbaum or TSC are wellknown not only in Europe but in the USA and in Asia. The most translations we make for our customer in Russia and other european countries are technical and legal. 
