Specialisation in translations
Our team is put together in such a way that each translator is responsible for his or her specialist field. This distinguishes us from many other translators and ensures that even complicated specialist texts from different fields are translated correctly and expertly into or from Russian. This is because we have specialists for every field of industry, business and medicine. Simply having a good command of both languages is not enough for professional translations. As of 2017, this applies to all language combinations we offer.
Why specialisation is important
Just as a doctor cannot be an architect or a mechanical engineer at the same time, a translator cannot be equally good at translating medical reports and operating instructions for extrusion plants. Perhaps one can still specialise in two directions, as our experience shows, but that is all a translator can manage.
That is why our translation agency employs several translators, each with in-depth knowledge in one or a few related fields. We never simply look for a free translator in our team to deliver the translation as quickly as possible. We prefer to negotiate with the client to postpone the delivery time, but the translation waits for the necessary specialist.
How to achieve specialisation
Most often, such specialisation is achieved through additional studies in another field besides foreign languages or through years of working in one or another field, including interpreting during construction planning, at construction sites or during the assembly of plants, where one has a rare opportunity to talk about details with both parties at the same time and to get to know words that are not in any dictionary. Not all, but many of our translators have worked as interpreters for our end customers.
Among our translators there are those who have studied business, medicine and engineering in addition to languages. Some of them were successful in these professions, but the desire for pure translation work was stronger. Such professionals are worth a lot with us. They don't need dictionaries when translating. Watching them at work is really fun.
Specialists don't get any better than this
In recent years, we have carried out specialist translations into Russian in such very specialised fields as nuclear power plants, special chemistry, aircraft simulators, medical technology, mining technology, agriculture, among others, thanks to the help of our external English-Russian translation experts. Every order of this kind is a challenge for us. Also complicated technical translations into other languages such as Chinese, Turkish, Spanish, French, Croatian in such complicated projects as oil drilling rigs, natural gas drilling rigs, radiation equipment, energy plants, solar parks have earned the recognition of our end customers in many countries such as China, Kazakhstan, Liatuen, Argentina, Brazil.
Medical translators of our translation agency
Translators in the fields of medicine, medical technology and pharmaceuticals are different from all other colleagues. They are trained doctors themselves with excellent language skills. There is no other way with these special fields. No "normal" translator is capable of carrying out medical translations at the necessary professional level.
How do you find good translators?
Behind all these successfully completed projects lies the invisible work of our staff, who take care of the selection of qualified specialist translators. Only a wide range can guarantee the high quality of translation of any subject. We test our translators thoroughly and for a long time before they are allowed to start their work in our translation agency.